R E T U R N  D I R E C T 


Tax Return Direct

Self Assessment Tax Returns

The most common reasons that a tax return may be required by HMRC are as follows;
-You are self employed or a partner in a partnership
-You are a company director
-You have large amounts of savings or investment income
-You own land or property that is being let

If you are looking to become self employed but are not yet registered with HMRC, we can apply for a Unique Taxpayers Reference for only £40.00.

CIS Tax Returns

If you are currently working within the construction industry as a subcontractor and suffer CIS you will need to submit a tax return. 

You may be entitled to a CIS tax refund, the quicker you submit your tax return the quicker you'll get your tax refund.

We can prepare your tax return from as little as £150.00

VAT Returns - Making Tax Digital

Value Added Tax (VAT) is possibly the most complicated of all the taxes. Calculating and disclosing your VAT liability to HMRC is achieved by completing normal monthly, quarterly or annual VAT returns. Recently HMRC have introduced Making Tax Digital, you are required to submit your VAT returns with MTD compatible software otherwise you could face penalties.

Cloud bookkeeping

The precise level of bookkeeping support you require will depend upon your own specific requirements. With our bookkeeping service and up to date online records we have your compliance and reporting needs covered. No matter where you are in the UK, we can assist you with the day to day running of your business.

Rental Accounts

As a landlord, you'll need to pay income tax on the rent you receive from your properties. We can help you claim the correct expenses to offset against the rent received, prepare some income and expenditure accounts and complete your tax return. Did you know the first £1,000 of your income from property rental is tax-free. This is your ‘property allowance’.

Tax Planning

This is a very specific service to each and every client, to discuss ways you can legally reduce your tax bill then please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Limited Company Accounts

Your business will need accounts preparing to assist in calculating any taxes payable and to help you understand and run your business effectively. Accounts need to be submitted to Companies House 9 months and 1 day after your financial year end. 


Services include;
-Registering for PAYE with HMRC
-Real Time Information submissions
-Payroll reports
-Year End Processing 
-PAYE liabilities to be paid
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